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Liwei and Akshay Recognized at IDETC 2021

Liwei and Akshay’s paper on “Data-Driven Design via Scalable Gaussian Processes for Multi-Response Big Data with Qualitative Factors” received the Paper of Distinction recognition at the International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) 2021 . The conference was held virtually between August 17 – 19, 2021. Also, this paper is now published in the Special Issue of AI for Engineering Design in the Journal of Mechanical Design. Congratulations to Liwei and Akshay!

Also, IDEAL attended this year’s IDETC with 3 papers. Congratulations to our lab members! All of the papers can be found below.

IDETC 2021 Papers
  • Liwei Wang, Suraj Yeraramilli, Akshay Iyer, Danial Apley, Ping Zhu, Wei Chen. “Data-Driven Design via Scalable Gaussian Processes for Multi-Response Big Data With Qualitative Factors” (IDETC2021-71570).
  • Umar Farooq Ghumman, Anton Van Beek, Joydeep Munshi, TeYu Chien, Ganesh Balasubramamian, Wei Chen. “SDF-Based Inverse Process Design of Solar Cells Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations” (IDETC2021-71595).
  • Faez Ahmed, Yaxin Cui Yan Fu, Wei Chen. “A Graph Neural Network Approach for Product Relationship Prediction” (IDETC2021-69462).

IDEAL Hosts Alumni for Summer 2021 Meetings

IDEAL was honored to invite alumni for the Summer 2021 Virtual Group Meetings. Each alumni discussed and gave valuable information on their respective research areas. The alumni who attended the meetings can be found below.

  • Prof. Shikui Chen (Ph.D., 2010): Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stony Brook University. Prof. Chen kicked off the summer series with his talk under the title “From Euclidian Space to Riemannian Manifold: Conformal Shape & Topology Optimization Using Extended Level Set Methods”. He joined Stony Brook University as a faculty in Fall 2013 and he is the director of Computational Modeling, Analysis, and Design Optimization Lab (CMADO Lab) . His current research areas are predictive science based design optimization, specifically in in the fields of structural shape and topology optimization, geometric modeling with level set methods, PDE constrained optimization, and simulation-based design under uncertainty.
  • Dr. Xiaoping Du (Ph.D., 2002): Professor, Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering at Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Prof. Du gave an exciting presentation under “Uncertainty Quantification in High Dimensions”. Prof. Du’s research interests are in design optimization, probabilistic and statistical methods, robust design, and system/structural reliability.
  • Prof. Ramin Bostanabad (Ph.D., 2019): Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at University of California Irvine (UC Irvine). As our third guest, Prof. Bostanabad gave his talk under the name “Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design and Computational Mechanics”. He joined the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Faculty at UC Irvine in Fall 2019 and he is the director of Probabilistic Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems Laboratory (PMACS Lab). His current research areas are designing next-generation materials using mechano-probabilistic deep learning, uncertainty quantification in high-dimensional and multifidelity systems, and Bayesian analysis of multiscale and multi-physics computer models.
  • Prof. Faez Ahmed (Postdoc, 2019-2020): Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) . Prof. Ahmed gave his talk under the name “Decoding Engineering Design with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence”. He joined the Mechanical Engineering Faculty at MIT in Fall 2020 and he is currently the director of Design Computation & Digital Engineering Lab (DeCoDe). His current research areas include machine learning and optimization for engineering design, AI-augmented human teams, and advanced engineering material systems.
  • Prof. Zhenghui Sha (Postdoc, 2016-2017): Assistant Professor, Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin). As our fifth guest, Prof. Sha gave a great talk of his lab’s research areas under the title “SiDi Lab Research on Complex Systems Engineering and Design & Swarm and Cooperative Manufacturing Systems”. He joined the Mechanical Engineering Faculty at UT Austin in 2021 and previously served as an Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas from 2017-2020. He is currently is the director of Systems Integration & Design Informatics Laboratory (SiDi LAB) and his current research focuses on system science and design science as well as the intersection between these two areas.
  • Prof. Hongyi Xu (Ph.D., 2014): Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering at the University of Connecticut (UConn). As our sixth and last guest, Prof. Xu gave a great talk under the title “Quantifying Aleatoric Uncertainties in a Topological Spatial Domain”. He joined the Mechanical Engineering Faculty at UConn in 2019 and he is currently is the director of Xu Research Group . His current research focuses developing design optimization and uncertainty quantification methods for the analysis and design of heterogeneous microstructural materials.
  • It was a great pleasure to have our distinguished alumni as our guests for the Summer 2021 meetings. Even though the meetings were virtual, we hope to see them in person in the future.

    Dr. Ramin Bostanabad Recieves NASA Early Career Award

    We are pleased to announce that Dr. Ramin Bostanabad, IDEAL Alumni, has recently earned the NASA Early Faculty award. Dr. Bostanabad received his Ph.D from Northwestern University in 2019 (advised by Dr. Wei Chen) and is now an assistant professor at University of California, Irvine (UCI). The award was given for his work on Multiscale Emulation and Deep Learning-based Assimilation for Probabilistic Prediction of Hydrologic Phenomena. More information about his award are available at: University Faculty Selected for NASA Space Tech Research Grants | NASA

    Prof. Chen Receives the Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award

    Congratulations to Prof. Chen for receiving the Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award. The joint award given by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Pi Tau Sigma National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society recognizes one individual each year for their significant contributions and achievements in mechanical engineering for more than 20 years or more following graduation. Prof. Chen is the second woman to receive the Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award.

    She was recognized for the award based on her seminal contributions to design under uncertainty that have advanced both theoretical development and practical applications of statistical analysis and probability theory in engineering practice, outstanding leadership in advancing interdisciplinary research and the mechanical engineering profession, and her work’s impact on education.

    Read the full news on McCormick’s website:

    Click here


    Akshay Defends his Ph.D. Dissertation

    Our lab member Akshay Iyer successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on August 10th 2021, under the title Data Centric Design for Microstructural Material Systems. Congratulations, Akshay!

    Following his planned graduation this summer, Akshay will continue his career at CNA Insurance here at Chicago! We wish him the best and good luck in his future endeavors!

    Featured by McCormick: Our Materials Design

    Our lab’s research on data-driven design of new materials with small datasets, a collaboration with Prof. James Rondinelli‘s group, has been featured by Northwestern’s McCormick School of Engineering. This research, which includes PhD student Akshay Iyer, is developing an advanced optimization engine (AOE) that utilizes our latent variable Gaussian process modeling method to address the challenges of materials design when only a limited amount of data is available. Please read the feature article here!

    Akshay’s Paper Featured on MSDE Cover

    Congratulations to Akshay Iyer, whose paper “Data Centric Nanocomposites Design via Mixed-Variable Bayesian Optimization”, has been published in and featured on the cover of Molecular Systems Design & Engineering (Issue 8)! The artwork was prepared by Askhay himself. Please be sure to read the paper, referenced below.

    Iyer, A., Zhang, Y., Prasad, A., Gupta, P., Tao, S., Wang, Y., Prabhune, P., Schadler, L.S., Brinson, L.C. and Chen, W., 2020. Data centric nanocomposites design via mixed-variable Bayesian optimizationMolecular Systems Design & Engineering.

    Akshay Iyer's MSDE Cover Paper

    IDEAL Attends Virtual IDETC 2020

    From August 17 through 19, IDEAL attended the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) 2020, which was held virtually. Two of our papers (led by Liwei Wang and Yu-Chin Chan) received the Papers of Distinction Award in the Design Automation Conference section (DAC)! In total, our group was represented by 5 papers out of the 118 accepted into DAC this year (see below).

    Also, our former postdocs, Zhenghui Sha (currently Assistant Professor at University of Arkansas) and Faez Ahmed (currently Assistant Professor at MIT), co-organized the 2020 ASME-CIE Hackathon: Identifying, Extracting, Analyzing Value from Large Unstructured Data Sets in Mechanical Engineering. Some of our group members competed in teams and won prizes – congratulations to Yaxin Cui and Umar Farooq Ghumman!

    IDETC Papers
    • Liwei Wang, Siyu Tao, Ping Zhu, Wei Chen. Data-Driven Multiscale Topology Optimization Using Multi-Response Latent Variable Gaussian Process (DETC2020-22595). Session: DAC 10-2: Design of Engineering Materials and Structures.
    • Yu-Chin Chan, Faez Ahmed, Liwei Wang, Wei Chen. METASET: An Automated Data Selection Method for Scalable Data-Driven Design of Metamaterials (DETC2020-22681). Session: DAC 3-1: Data-Driven Design.
    • Siyu Tao, Anton van Beek, Daniel W. Apley, Wei Chen. “Bayesian Optimization for Simulation-Based Design of Multi-Model Systems” (DETC2020-22651). Session: DAC 14-1: Metamodel-Based Design Optimization.
    • Anton van Beek, Umar Farooq Ghumman, Joydeep Munshi, Siyu Tao, TeYu Chien, Ganesh Balasubramanian, Matthew Plumlee, Daniel Apley, Wei Chen. “Scalable Objective-Driven Batch Sampling in Simulation-Based Design for Models With Heteroscedastic Noise” (DETC2020-22629). Session: DAC 18-2: Simulation-Based Design Under Uncertainty.
    • Yaxin Cui, Faez Ahmed, Zhenghui Sha, Lijun Wang, Yan Fu, Wei Chen. “A Weighted Network Modeling Approach for Analyzing Product Competition” (DETC2020-22591). Session: DAC 7-1: Design for Market Systems.

    Hackathon Awards
    • 3rd place for Problem 1: Umar Farooq Ghumman along with students from MIT and Stevens Institute of Technology. “Generating a Data-Driven Surrogate Model for Machine Damage Accumulation“.
    • 2nd place for Problem 2: Yaxin Cui along with students from UT Austin. “Melt Pool Prediction in Addictive Manufacturing: A Hybrid Approach Based on the Process Parameter“.