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Category: Lab news

Prof. Chen Receives the Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award

Congratulations to Prof. Chen for receiving the Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award. The joint award given by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Pi Tau Sigma National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society recognizes one individual each year for their significant contributions and achievements in mechanical engineering for more than 20 years or more following

Anton Defends his Ph.D. Dissertation

Our lab member Anton van Beek successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on September 13th under the title Data Acquisition and Synthesis in Simulation-Based Design with Stochastic Models. Congratulations, Anton! Following his planned graduation this quarter, Anton will continue as a postdoctoral researcher here at IDEAL.

Akshay Defends his Ph.D. Dissertation

Our lab member Akshay Iyer successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis on August 10th 2021, under the title Data Centric Design for Microstructural Material Systems. Congratulations, Akshay! Following his planned graduation this summer, Akshay will continue his career at CNA Insurance here at Chicago! We wish him the best and good luck in his future endeavors!

Featured by McCormick: Our Materials Design

Our lab’s research on data-driven design of new materials with small datasets, a collaboration with Prof. James Rondinelli‘s group, has been featured by Northwestern’s McCormick School of Engineering. This research, which includes PhD student Akshay Iyer, is developing an advanced optimization engine (AOE) that utilizes our latent variable Gaussian process modeling method to address the

Akshay’s Paper Featured on MSDE Cover

Congratulations to Akshay Iyer, whose paper “Data Centric Nanocomposites Design via Mixed-Variable Bayesian Optimization”, has been published in and featured on the cover of Molecular Systems Design & Engineering (Issue 8)! The artwork was prepared by Askhay himself. Please be sure to read the paper, referenced below. Iyer, A., Zhang, Y., Prasad, A., Gupta, P.,

IDEAL Attends Virtual IDETC 2020

From August 17 through 19, IDEAL attended the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) 2020, which was held virtually. Two of our papers (led by Liwei Wang and Yu-Chin Chan) received the Papers of Distinction Award in the Design Automation Conference section (DAC)! In total, our group was represented by 5 papers out of

IDEAL Hosts Alumni Panel

As part of our summer panel series, we were honored to invite four lab alumni back (virtually) to IDEAL. The panel discussed their experiences during and after their Ph.D. or postdoctoral positions at IDEAL, imparting our current members and summer interns with words of advice and encouragement. The panelists were: Prof. Harrison Kim (Postdoc, 2003-2004):

Faez to Join MIT

Dr. Faez Ahmed will join the Mechanical Engineering department at MIT as an assistant professor this August. Congratulations to Faez!

Dr. Faez Ahmed’s Proposal Funded

Our Postdoc, Dr. Faez Ahmed, who was already offered a faculty position at MIT before joining us at IDEAL, has received funding for his first proposal, together with Co-PI Dr. Daniel Frey! The title of his project is AI-driven Design Synthesis for Personalized Bicycles, awarded by the MechE Mathworks Seed Fund Program for $100k in Year

Umar, Anton Awarded at Proposal Competition

Lab members Umar Ghumman and Anton van Beek were each awarded Honorable Mention at the inaugural Mechanical Engineering PhD Proposal Pitch Competition (PPC) on  April 30, 2020! The competition consisted of five teams pitching innovative research proposals to a panel of faculty judges. Umar’s team presented, “Data-driven process-structure-property-performance (PSPP) framework for additive manufacturing alloy design”,