Over the past two decades, our lab has introduced methods for design under uncertainty to mitigate the effects of uncertainty, reduce the potential risks, and improve the product performance with low cost. In our research, two major sources of uncertainties in simulation-based design are considered: uncertainty due to natural or physical randomness, and uncertainty due to lack of knowledge or lack of simulation or experimental data. The associated research topics include uncertainty quantification, uncertainty propagation, uncertainty reduction, and decision-making under uncertainty. Example subjects of our widely cited works are metamodeling techniques for simulation-based design, optimal design of computer experiments, analytical statistical sensitivity analysis, robust design, reliability-based design, and sequential optimization & reliability analysis (SORA). Our most recent works cover resource allocation in variable-fidelity optimization, model calibration, validation and uncertainty quantification, and multidisciplinary optimization under uncertainty.
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Metamodeling for Simulation-Based Design
Despite advances in computing power, the enormous computational cost of running physics-based simulations makes it impractical to rely exclusively on simulation for the purpose of engineering design. To alleviate the computational burden, our research in this area builds cheap-to-compute surrogate models (also called metamodels) to replace the original expensive models for simulation-based design. In our past research, comparative studies have been conducted to provide guidelines for choosing the most appropriate metamodeling technique based on multiple modeling criteria in both deterministic design and design under uncertainty. To improve the accuracy as well as the efficiency of using metamodeling techniques, adaptive objective-oriented sampling strategies have been developed for both global approximation of a design space and metamodeling for the purpose of design optimization. Analytical formulations have been derived for global sensitivity analysis and uncertainty propagation for a variety of metamodels. Our most recent developments include a Gaussian Process Modeling (GPM) technique for high-dimensional problems with highly nonlinear behavior, and flexible multi-model fusion methods capable of integrating heterogeneous information from variable-fidelity computational models and physical experiments. The benefits and potentials of our metamodeling techniques have been demonstrated through various design applications.
Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification
Computational models play an increasingly important role in the analysis and design of modern engineering systems. All models need to be validated for their intended uses, given limited data/resources. In some cases, unknown model parameters need to be calibrated and model prediction uncertainty must be quantified. To this end, we have developed a model updating framework that combines both computer and physical experiments to improve the confidence of using predictive models in design, employing a Bayesian model calibration and uncertainty quantification approach. Further research topics include (1) validation metrics for given scenarios and intended uses, (2) design of physical experiments for cost reduction, and (3) improving the identifiability of model parameter uncertainty versus model discrepancy uncertainty. Our recent research works focus on developing methods for validating dynamic engineering models and validation/UQ of multiscale materials models.
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) under Uncertainty
Modern engineering systems often contain multiple disciplines, the analyses of which are largely independent but coupled through linked and/or shared variables. All-in-one strategies for optimizing such systems are usually less efficient than distributed strategies, which decompose the all-in-one problem into discipline-wide sub-problems for discipline solvers to solve. To achieve the system design objectives most efficiently and effectively, we have developed
- multidisciplinary optimization architectures in both deterministic and probabilistic settings,
- uncertainty propagation and sensitivity analysis methods for multidisciplinary systems, and
- resource allocation strategies for uncertainty reduction in simulation-based multidisciplinary systems.
List of Publications
- Tao, S., von Beek, A., Apley, D. W., and Chen, W., “Multi-Model Bayesian Optimization for Simulation-Based Design”, Journal of Mechanical Design, 143(11), 2021.
- Tao, S., Apley, D., Plumlee, M., and Chen, W., “Latent Variable Gaussian Process Models: A Rank-Based Analysis and an Alternative Approach“, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2021, 122:4007–4026.
- Van Beek, A., Ghumman, U.F., Munshi, J., Tao, S., Chien T-Y., Galasubramanian G., Plumlee, M., Apley, D., and Chen, W., “Scalable Adaptive Batch Sampling in Simulation-Based Design with Heteroscedastic Noise”, Journal of Mechanical Design, 143(3): 031709, DOI: doi.org/10.1115/1.4049134, Mar 2021.
- Huang, T., Gao, J., Liu, Sun, Q., Su, X., Zeng, D., Liu, W-K., and Chen, W., “Stochastic Nonlinear Analysis of Unidirectional Fiber Composites using Image-based Microstructural Uncertainty Quantification”, Composite Structures, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113470, accepted Dec., 2020.
- Lu, J., Tang, J., Apley, D.W., Zhan, Z., and Chen, W., “A Mode Tracking Method in Modal Metamodeling for Structures with Clustered Eigenvalues”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 369,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2020.113174, September 2020. - Van Beek, A., Tao, S., Plumbee, M., Apley, D.W., and Chen, W., “Integration of Normative Decision-Making and Batch Sampling for Global Metamodeling”, Journal of Mechanical Design, 142(3), 2020.
- Liu, Z., Zhu, C., Chen, W., and Zhu, P., “Reliability-based design optimization of composite battery box based on modified particle swarm optimization algorithm”, Composite Structures, Nov 2018, 1016/j.compstruct.2018.07.053.
- Bostanabad, R., Chan Y-C., Wang, L., Zhu, P., and Chen, W., “Globally Approximate Gaussian Processes for Big Data with an Application to Data-driven Metamaterials Design”, Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(11), 2019.
- Zhang, Y., Tao, S., Chen, W., and Apley, D., “A Latent Variable Approach to Gaussian Process Modeling with Qualitative and Quantitative Factors”, Technometrics, DOI: 10.1080/00401706.2019.1638834, 2019.
- Tao, S., Garbo, A., Pate, D.J.., Apley, D.W., German, B.J., Chen, W., “Input Mapping for Model Calibration with Application to Wing Aerodynamics”, AIAA Journal, published online, April 2019, https://doi.org/10.2514/1.
J057711. - Lu, J., Zhan, Z., Apley, D.W., and Chen, W., “Uncertainty Propagation of Frequency Response Function using a Multi-output Gaussian Process Model”, Computers and Structures, 217, 1-17, 2019.
- Tao, S, Shintani, K., Yang, G., Meingast, H., Apley, D. and Chen, W., “Enhanced Collaborative Optimization Using Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 58(4), 2018.
- Bostanabad, R., Kearney, T., Tao, S., Apley, Daniel W., and Chen, W. (2018). Leveraging the Nugget Parameter for Efficient Gaussian Process Modeling. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, December 2017, doi:10.1002/nme.5751.
- Tao, S, Shintani, K., Bostanabad, R., Chan, Y-C., Yang, G., Meingast, H., and Chen, W., “Enhanced Gaussian Process Metamodeling and Collaborative Optimization for Vehicle Suspension Design Optimization”, IDETC2017-67976, Proceedings of the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 6-9, 2017, Cleveland, Ohio.
- Chen, S., Jiang, Z., Yang, S., and Chen, W., “Multi-Model Fusion Based Sequential Optimization”, AIAA Journal, 55(1), 2017.
- Wang, Z and Chen, W., “Confidence-based Adaptive Extreme Response Surface for Time-Variant Reliability Analysis under Random Excitation.” Structural Safety, 64, 2017.
- Jiang, Z., Chen, S., Apley, D., and Chen, W., “Reduction of Epistemic Uncertainty in Simulation-Based Multidisciplinary Design”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 138(8), 2016.
- Jiang, Z., German, B., and Chen, W., “Multidisciplinary Statistical Sensitivity Analysis Considering both Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties“, 54 (4), 1326-1338, 2016.
- Wang, Z., Fu, Y., Yang, R-J., Barbat, S., and Chen, W., “Validating Dynamic Engineering Models under Uncertainty.” Journal of Mechanical Design, doi:10.1115/1.4034089, July 2016.
- Li, W., Chen, S., Jiang, Z., Apley, D., Lu, Z., and Chen, W., “Integrating Bayesian Calibration, Bias Correction, and Machine Learning for the Validation Challenge Problem”, ASME Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, 1(1), March 2016.
- Xu, H., Jiang, Z., Apley, D., and Chen, W., “New Metrics for Validation of Data-Driven Random Process Models in Uncertainty Quantification”, ASME Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, 1(2), June 2016.
- Wang, Z and Chen, W., “Time-Variant Reliability Assessment through Equivalent Stochastic Process Transformation.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 152, 166-175, August 2016.
- Jiang, Z., Li., W., Apley, D., and Chen, W., “A Spatial-Random-Process Based Multidisciplinary System Uncertainty Propagation Approach with Model Uncertainty, Journal of Mechanical Design doi:10.1115/1.4031096, 2015.
- Jiang, Z., Apley, D., and Chen, W., “Surrogate Preposterior Analysis for Predicting and Enhancing Identifiability in Model Validation”, International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 5(4): 341-359, 2015.
- Liu, Z., Zhu, P., Chen, W., and Yang, R-J, “Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm using Design of Experiment and Data Mining Techniques“, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, DOI 10.1007/s00158-015-1271-7, July 2015.
- Chen, S., Jiang, Z., Yang, S., Apley, D., and Chen, W., “Nonhierarchical Multi-model Fusion Using Spatial Random Processes”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 10.1002/nme.5123, September 2015.
- Ndip-Agbor, E., Smith, J., Ren, H., Jiang, E., Xu, J., Moser, N., Chen, W., Xia, C., Cao, J., “Optimization of relative tool position in accumulative double sided incremental forming using finite element analysis and model bias correction“, International Journal of Material Forming, DOI 10.1007/s12289-014-1209-4, 2014.
- Li, W., Jiang, Z., Lu, Z., Liu, Y., and Chen, W., “New Validation Metrics for Models with Multiple Correlated Responses”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 127, 1–11, 2014.
- Zhang, S., Zhu, P., and Chen, W., “Multi-point Objective-Oriented Sequential Sampling Strategy for Constrained Robust Design”, Engineering Optimization, accepted Jan 2014.
- Lee, T-R., Greene, S., Jiang, Z., Kopacz, A.M., Decuzzi, P., Chen, W., and Liu, W., “Quantifying Uncertainties in the Microvascular Transport of Nanoparticles“, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 13, 515–526, 2014.
- Zheng, J., Chen, W., and Apley, D., “Preposterior Analysis to Select Experimental Responses for Improving Identifiability in Model Uncertainty Quantification”, ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC2013-12457, August 4-7, Portland, Oregon, 2013.
- Zhang, S., Zhu, P., Chen, W., and Arendt, P., “Concurrent treatment of parametric uncertainty and metamodeling uncertainty in robust design”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 47: 63-76, DOI 10.1007/s00158-012-0805-5, 2013.
- Zhang, S., Zhu, P., and Chen, W., “Crashworthiness-based Lightweight Design Problem via New Robust Design Method Considering Two Sources of Uncertainties, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 227(7), 1381-1391, 2013.
- Jiang, Z., Chen, W., Fu, Y., and Yang, R., “Reliability-Based Design Optimization with Model Bias and Data Uncertainty,” SAE Int. J. Mater. Manf. 6(3):2013, doi:10.4271/2013-01-1384.
- Arendt, P., Apley, D., and Chen, W, “Objective-Oriented Sequential Sampling for Simulation Based Robust Design Considering Multiple Sources of Uncertainty,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 135(5), 2013.
- Arendt, P., D. Apley, and W. Chen, “Quantification of Model Uncertainty: Calibration, Model Discrepancy, and Identifiability,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 134(10), 2012.
- Arendt, P., D. Apley, W. Chen, Lamb, D., and Gorsich, D., “Improving Identifiability in Model Calibration Using Multiple Responses, Journal of Mechanical Design, 134(10), 2012.
- Zhang, S., Zhu, P., and Chen, W., “Multi-Point Sequential Sampling Method for Complex Engineering Optimization Problems”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 201-202 (78), 2012.
- Pan F., Zhu, Wei Chen, Siliang Zhang. “Use of Support Vector Regression in Structural Optimization: Application to Vehicle Crashworthiness Design”, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 86, 21-36, 2012.
- Arendt, P.D., Chen, W., and Apley, D., “Improving Identifiability in Model Calibration using Multiple Responses”, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2011-48623, August 28- August 31, Washington, DC.
- Xiong, F., Chen, W., Xiong, Y., and Yang, S., “Weighted Stochastic Response Surface Method considering Sampling Weights”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 43(6), 837-849, 2011.
- Liu, Y. Chen, W., Arendt, P., and Huang, H-Z., “Towards a Better Understanding of Model Validation Metrics”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol 133, paper 071005, June 2011.
- Liu, Y., Yin, X., Arendt, P., Chen, W., Huang, H-Z., “A Hierarchical Statistical Sensitivity Analysis Method for Multilevel Systems with Shared Variables”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 132(3), 031006, 2010.
- Xiong, F., Yin, X., Chen, W., Yang, S., “Enhanced Probabilistic Analytical Target Cascading with Application to Multiscale Design”, Engineering Optimization, 42(6), 581-592, 2010.
- Arendt, P.D., Chen, W., and Apley, D., “Updating Predictive Models: Calibration, Bias correction and Identifiability”, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2010-28828, August 15- August 18, Montreal Quebec, Canada.
- Xiong, F., Greene, S., Chen, W., Xiong, Y., and Yang, S., “A New Sparse Grid Based Method for Uncertainty Propagation”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 41(3), 335-349, August 2010.
- Wang, S., Chen, W., and Tsui, K-L., “Bayesian Validation of Computer Models”, Technometrics, November 1, 51(4): 439-451, 2009.
- Xiong, Y., Chen, W., Tsui, K-L., and Apley, D., “A Better Understanding of Model Updating Strategies in Validating Engineering Models”, Journal of Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 198 (15-16), pp. 1327-1337, March 2009.
- Lee, S. H., Chen, W., and Kwak, B. M., ” Robust Design with Arbitrary Distribution Using Gauss-Type Quadrature Formula ,” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization , 39(3), September 2009.
- Xiong, F., Xiong, Y., Chen, W. , and Yang, S., “Optimizing Latin Hypercube Design for Sequential Sampling of Computer Experiments” Engineering Optimization , 41(8), 793-810, 2009.
- Chen, S, Xiong, Y., and Chen, W ., “A Multiresponse and Multistage Metamodeling Approach for Design Optimization”AIAA Journal , 47(1), January 2009.
- Liu, H., Chen, W ., Scott, M. J., and Qureshi, K., “Determination of Ranged Set of Design Specifications by Incorporating Design Heterogeneity”, Engineering Optimization , 40(11), 1011-1029, 2008.
- C hen, W ., Xiong, Y., Tsui, K-L., and Wang, S., “A Design-Driven Validation Approach using Bayesian Prediction Models”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design , 130(2), 2008.
- Liu, X. Chen, W ., Tsui, K-L., “Regression Modeling for Computer Model Validation with Functional Responses”, Paper No. DETC2008-49662, Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference , August 3-6, 2008 , Brooklyn , New York .
- Xiong, Y., Chen, W , and Tsui, K., “A New Variable Fidelity Optimization Framework Based on Model Fusion and Objective-Oriented Sequential Sampling”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design , 130(11), 111401 (9 pages), 2008.
- Lee, S. and Chen, W. “A Comparative Study of Uncertainty Propagation Methods for Black-Box Type Functions “, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization , 37(3), 239-253. 2008.
- Yin, X. and Chen, W , “A Hierarchical Statistical Sensitivity Analysis Method for Complex Engineering Systems Design” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 130(7), 071402 (10 pages), 2008.
- Xiong, Y., Chen, W ., Apley, D., and Ding, X., “A Nonstationary Covariance-Based Kriging Method for Metamodeling in Engineering Design”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 71(6), 733-756 , August 2007.
- Buranathiti, T., Cao, J., Chen, W., Baghdasaryan, L., and Xia, Z.C., “Approaches for Model Validation: Methodology and Illustration on a Sheet Metal Flanging Process”, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 128(2), 588-597, 2006.
- Apley, D., Liu, J., and Chen, W., Understanding the Effects of Model Uncertainty in Robust Design with Computer Experiments, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(4), 745-958, 2006.
- Chen, W ., Jin, R., and Sudjianto, A., “Analytical Global Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Propagation for Robust Design”, Journal of Quality Technology, 38(4), 333-348, Oct 2006.
- Liu, H., Chen, W., and Sudjianto, A., Relative Entropy Based Method for Global and Regional Sensitivity Analysis in Probabilistic Design , ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 128(2), 326-336, 2006.
- Chen, W., Jin, R., and Sudjianto, A., Analytical Variance-Based Global Sensitivity Analysis in Simulation-Based Design under Uncertainty, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 127(5), 875-886, 2005.
- Jin, R., Chen, W., and Sudjianto, A., “An Efficient Algorithm for Constructing Optimal Design of Computer Experiments” Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 134(1), 268-287, 2005.
- Chen, W., Baghdasaryan, L., Buranathiti, T., and Cao, J., Model Validation via Uncertainty Propagation and Data Transformations , AIAA Journal, 42(7), 1406-1415, 2004.
- Du. X, Sudjianto, A., and Chen, W., An Integrated Framework for Optimization using Inverse Reliability Strategy , Journal of ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(4), 562-570, July 2004.
- Du, X, and Chen, W., Sequential Optimization and Reliability Assessment Method for Efficient Probabilistic Design , Journal of ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(2), pp. 225-233, March 2004.
- Jin, R., Du, X, and Chen, W., “The Use of Metamodeling Techniques for Optimization under Uncertainty”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 25(2), 99-116, Jul 2003.
- Jin, R., Chen, W., and Sudjianto, A., On Sequential Sampling for Global Metamodeling in Engineering Design , DETC-DAC34092, 2002 ASME Design Automation Conference, Montreal, Canada, September 2002.
- Nayak, R., Chen, W., and Simpson, T., Variation-Based Methodology for Product Family Design , Journal of Engineering Optimization, 34(1), 65-81,2002.
- Du, X. and Chen, W., Efficient Uncertainty Analysis Methods for Multidisciplinary Robust Design , in press Journal of AIAA Journal, 40(3), 545-552, 2002.
- Chen, W., Garimella, R., and Michelena, N., Robust Design for Improved Vehicle Handling Under a Range of Maneuver Conditions , Engineering Optimization, 33(3), 303-326, 2001.
- Du, X. and Chen, W., “Most Probable Point Based Approach for Efficient Uncertainty Analysis”, Journal of Design and Manufacturing Automation, 4(1), 44-66, 2001.
- Jin, R, Chen, W., and Simpson T., Comparative Studies of Metamodeling Techniques under Multiple Modeling Criteria , Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 23(1), 1-13, 2001.
- Du, X. and Chen, W., Towards a Better Understanding of Modeling Feasibility Robustness in Engineering Design , ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 122(4), 385-394, 2000.
- Du, X. and Chen, W., “Methodology for Uncertainty Propagation and Management in Simulation-Based Systems Design”, AIAA Journal, 38(8), 1471-1478, 2000.
- Chen W., Fu, W., Biggers, S., and Latour, R., “An Affordable Approach for Robust Design of Thick Laminated Composite Structure”, Optimization and Engineering, 1(3), 305-322, 2000.
- Chen W., Sahai, A, Messac, A., and Sundararaj, G.J., “Exploration of the Effectiveness of Physical Programming for Robust Design”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 22(2), 155-163, 2000.
- Zhang, J., Wiecek, M., and Chen. W., “Local Approximation of the Efficient Frontier in Robust Desig”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 22(2), 232-236, 2000.
- Varadarajan, S., Chen, W., and Pelka, C., “Robust Concept Exploration Method of Propulsion Systems with Enhanced Model Approximation Capabilities”, Engineering Optimization, 32(3), 309-334, 2000.
- Chen, W. and Lewis, K., “Robust Design Approach for Achieving Flexibility in Multidisciplinary Design”, AIAA Journal, 7(8), 982-989, (August 1999).
- Chen. W., Wiecek, M., and Zhang, J., “Quality Utility: A Compromise Programming Approach to Robust Design”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 121(2), 179-187, 1999.
- Chen, W., Allen, J.K., and Mistree, F., “The Robust Concept Exploration Method for Enhancing Concurrent Systems Design”, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, 5(3), 203-217, 1997.
- Chen, W., Allen, J. K., Schrage, D.P., and Mistree, F., “Statistical Experimentation Methods for Achieving Affordable Concurrent Design”, AIAA Journal, 35(5), 893-900, 1997.
- Chen, W., Allen, J.K., Tsui, K-L, and Mistree, F., “A Procedure for Robust Design”ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 118, 478-485, 1996.