Congratulations to Prof. Chen for her election to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE)! The NAE cited Prof. Chen for her “contributions to design under uncertainty in products and systems, and leadership in the engineering design community.”
Prof. Wei Chen and two IDEAL students, Anton van Beek and Tianyu Huang, attended the USACM Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) in Computational Solid and Structural Materials Modeling, held on January 17-18, 2019 on the campus of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. The conference was sponsored by the USACM UQ Thrust Area. Prof. Chen was invited to give a talk titled ‘Multiscale and Multidimensional Uncertainty Quantification in Integrated Computational Materials Engineering’, and the two students presented our lab’s work with a poster presentation titled ‘Multiscale and Multidimensional Quantification and Propagation of Manufacturing Induced Uncertainty in Fiber Reinforced Composites’. The work was a joint effort with Prof. Jian Cao‘s and Prof. Wing Kam Liu‘s groups and researchers from the Ford Motor Company.
Professor Wei Chen gave an invited talk on “Design of Manufacturable Multiscale Structures using Robust Topology Optimization” in the IUTAM Symposium on “When topology optimization meets additive manufacturing – theory and methods” in Dalian, China, October 2018.
Professor Wei Chen and other IDEAL members (Dr. Youyi Bi, Akshay and Umar) attended the 2018 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2018) in Quebec City, Canada. We had three publications in this conference:
Li, X., Yang, Z., Brinson, L.C., Choudhary, A.N., Agrawal, A., and Chen, W., “A Deep Adversarial learning Methodology for Designing Microstructural Materials Systems”, ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2018/DAC-85633, August 26-29, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
Bi, Y., Xie, J., Sha, Z., Wang, M., Fu, Y., and Chen, W., “Modeling Spatial Temporal Heterogeneity of Customer Preferences in Engineering Design”, ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2018 -86245, August 26-29, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
Ghumman, U.F., Iyer, A., Dulal, R., Wang, A., Munshi, J., Chien, T., Balasubramanian, G., and Chen, W., “A Spectral Density Function Approach for Design of Organic Photovoltaic Cells”, ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2018-86154, August 26-29, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
For the NSF sponsored project (award #1662435 , #1662509, #1753770), “Concurrent Design of Quasi-Random Nanostructured Material Systems (NMS) and Nanofabrication Processes using Spectral Density Function”, collaborators from Northwestern University (PI Chen), University of Wyoming (PI TeYu Chien), and Leigh University (PI Ganesh Balasubramanian met at University of Wyoming in August 2018 for research discussion and touring the fabrication and characterization facility.
Professor Wei Chen was a semi-plenary speaker on “A Data-Driven Stochastic Multiscale Analysis Framework for Design of Microstructural Material Systems” in the WCCM (World Congress of Computational Mechanics), in New York, NY, July 2018.
Professor Wei Chen was a keynote speaker on “Multiscale and Multidimensional Quantification and Propagation of Manufacturing Induced Uncertainty”, in the ISFA (International Symposium on Flexible Automation), in Kanazawa, Japan, July 2018.
Two Ph.D. candidates, Xiaolin Li and Yichi Zhang, graduated this June.
The two joined the alumni of IDEAL after successfully defended their Ph.D. dissertation, titled ‘Interphase Modeling and Data Analytical Approaches for Polymer Nanocomposites Design‘ and ‘A Data-driven Approach for Heterogeneous Materials Design‘, respectively.
IDEAL faculty and students threw a party to celebrate their graduation. Lab alumni Dr. Shuangcheng Yu, who came back to Evanston for his Ph.D. hooding ceremony, also joined the party.
Following their graduation, Xiaolin will work as an applied scientist at Microsoft, and Yichi will be a data scientist at Capgemini. Congratulations to the new doctors!