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Category: Lab news

Summer Graduation 2019

Congratulations to Ramin Bostanabad, Youyi Bi, Jun Lu, Jian Xie, and Wenyu Han, who have completed their study at Northwestern and joined the alumni of IDEAL as of this summer! Ramin and Youyi finished their terms as postdoctoral researchers at IDEAL. We had a summer party in June to celebrate together with lab alumni Dr.

IDEAL Attends IDETC 2019

We attended the 2019 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2019) in Anaheim, CA. Several of the IDEAL members received awards during the conference. Anton van Beek and Siyu Tao, our Ph. D. students, won the Best Paper Award from the Design Automation Conference (DAC). This is the

Prof. Wei Chen Elected President of ISSMO

Prof. Wei Chen and IDEAL alumni attended the 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO 13). During the congress, Prof. Chen was elected President of the International Society of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (ISSMO). She was invited to give a state-of-the-art (SOTA) panel talk on “Machine Learning and Data-Driven Techniques: Status and Opportunities”.

IDEAL Launches New Lab Website

New year, new look. We have just rebuilt our website and now it has some new contents and updated look. Check it out! New features: The new website is built with the university template and has a more consistent look with other NU sites. Updated research descriptions, faculty/student information, and publication lists. A news section

IDEAL Attends IDETC 2018

Professor Wei Chen and other IDEAL members (Dr. Youyi Bi, Akshay and Umar) attended the 2018 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE2018) in Quebec City, Canada. We had three publications in this conference: Li, X., Yang, Z., Brinson, L.C., Choudhary, A.N., Agrawal, A., and Chen, W., “A Deep

Ph.D. Graduation 2018

Two Ph.D. candidates, Xiaolin Li and Yichi Zhang, graduated this June. The two joined the alumni of IDEAL after successfully defended their Ph.D. dissertation, titled ‘Interphase Modeling and Data Analytical Approaches for Polymer Nanocomposites Design‘ and ‘A Data-driven Approach for Heterogeneous Materials Design‘, respectively. IDEAL faculty and students threw a party to celebrate their graduation.