Chen, J., Ou, P., Chang, Y., Zhang, H., Li, X-Y, Sargent, E.H., and Chen, W. “Multicriteria Bayesian Optimization with Representation Learning for Adaptive Catalyst Discovery” , submitted to npj Computational Materials , 2025
Comlek, Y., Mojumder, S., van Beek, A., Prabhune, P., Ciampaglia, A., Apley, D., Brinson, L.C., Liu, W-K., and Chen, W. “Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation for Multiscale Materials Systems with Agglomeration and Structural Anomalies” , CMAME , Vol 435, 2025
Dolar, T., Chen, J., and Chen, W. “Uncertainty Quantification Driven Machine Learning for Improving Model Accuracy in Imbalanced Regression Tasks” , Expert Systems With Applications , Vol 261, 2025
Karkaria, V., Tsai, Y-K., Chen, Y-P., and Chen, W. “An Optimization-Centric Review for Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twin Technologies in Manufacturing” , Engineering Optimization , 2025
Karkaria, V., Chen, J., Luey, C., Siuta, C., Lim, D., Radulescu, R., and Chen, W. “A Digital Twin Framework Utilizing Machine Learning for Robust Predictive Maintenance: Enhancing Tire Health Monitoring” , Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering , 2024
Pu, H., Zhang, J., Liang, C., Hersam, M., Rowan, S., Chen, W., Chaudhuri, S., Ainsworth, E., Lee, D., Claussen, J., Chen, Y., Willett, R., Dunn, J., and Chen, J. “A Sustainable Manufacturing Paradigm to Address Grand Challenges in Sustainability and Climate Change” , ACS Sustainable Resource Management , 2024
Chen, W.W., Lee, D., Sun, R., Portela, C., and Chen, W. “Generative Inverse Design of Metamaterials with Functional Responses by Interpretable Learning” , Advanced Intelligent Systems , 2024
Chang, Y., Benlolo, I., Bia, Y., Reimer, C., Zhou, D., Zhang, H., Matsumura, H., Choubisa, H., Li, X-Y., Chen, W., Ou, P., Tamblyn, I., and Sargent, E.H. “High-entropy Alloy Electrocatalysts Screened using Machine Learning Informed by Quantum-Inspired Similarity Analysis” , Matter , 2024
Hui, J., You, H., Van Beek, A., Zhang, J., Elahi, A., Downing, J., Chaney, L., Lee, D., Ainsworth, E., Chaudhuri, S., Dunn, J., Chen, W., Rowan, S., and Hersam, M. “Biorenewable Exfoliation of Electronic-Grade Printable Graphene Using Carboxylated Cellulose Nanocrystals” , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 2024
Xiao, Y., Cui, Y., Koskinen, J., Contractor, N., Chen, W., and Zhenghui Sha “Product Design Incorporating Competition Relations: A Network-Based Design Framework Considering Local Dependencies” , Journal of Mechanical Design , Vol 147, 2024
Cui, Y., Sun, Z., Xiao, Y., Sha, Z., Koskinen, J., Contractor, N., and Chen, W. “Network Analysis of Two-Stage Customer Decisions with Preference-Guided Market Segmentation” , Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering , 2024
Karkaria, V., Goeckner, A., Zha, R., Chen, J., Zhang, J., Zhu, Q., Cao, J., Gao, R.X. and Chen, W. “Towards a Digital Twin Framework in Additive Manufacturing: Machine Learning and Bayesian Optimization for Time Series Process Optimization” , Journal of Manufacturing Systems , Vol 75, 2024
Zhang, H, Lai, T., Chen, J., Manthiram, A., Rondinelli, J. M. and Chen, W. “Learning Molecular Mixture Property Using Chemistry-Aware Graph Neural Network” , PRX Energy , 3(23006), 2024
Xiao, Y., Cui, Y., Raut, N., Januar, J., Koskinen, J., Contractor, N., Chen, W., and Sha, Z. “Survey Data on Customer Two-Stage Decision-Making Process in Household Vacuum Cleaner Market” , Data in Brief , Vol 54, 2024
Pandey, A., Chen, W., and Keten, S. “Sequence-based Data-constrained Deep Learning Framework to Predict Spider Dragline Mechanical Properties” , Nature Communications Materials , 5(83), 2024
Li., Y., Mojumder, S., Lu, Y., Amin, A., Guo, J., Xie, X., Chen, W., Wagner, G., Cao, J., and Liu, W-K. “Statistical Parameterized Physics-Based Machine Learning Digital Shadow Models for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process” , Additive Manufacturing , Vol 87, 2024
Comlek, Y., Wang, L., and Chen, W. “Mixed-Variable Global Sensitivity Analysis For Knowledge Discovery And Efficient Combinatorial Materials Design” , Journal of Mechanical Design , Vol 146, 2024
Kim, L., Scougale, W.R., Sharma, P., Shirato, N., Wieghold, S., Rose, V., Chen, W., Balasubramanian, G., and Chien, T. “Distinguishing Elements at the Sub-Nanometer Scale on the Surface of a High Entropy Alloy” , Advanced Materials , Vol 36, 2024
Chen, J., Ou, P., Chang, Y., Zhang, H., Li, X. Y., Sargent, E. H., and Chen, W. “Adaptive Catalyst Discovery Using Multicriteria Bayesian Optimization with Representation Learning” , arXiv preprint , 2024
Chen, Y., Bi, Y., Xie, J., Sha, Z., Wang, M., Fu, Y., and Chen, W. “Modeling Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Customer Preferences With Small-Scale Aggregated Data: A Spatial Panel Modeling Approach” , Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering , Vol 24, 2024
Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Ren, H., Meng, Z., Chen, X., Li, Z., Wang, L., Chen, W., Wang, Y., and Du, J. “Ultrastiff Metamaterial Generated through a Multilayer Strategy and Topology Optimization” , Nature Communications , 15(2984), 2024
Lee, D., Zhang, L., Yu, Y., and Chen, W. “Deep Neural Operator Enabled Concurrent Multitask Design for Multifunctional Metamaterials under Heterogeneous Fields” , Advanced Optical Materials , Vol 12, 2024
Chaney, L., van Beek, A., Downing, J.R., Zhang, J., Zhang, H., Hui, J., Sorensen, E.A., Khalaj, M., Dunn, J.B., Chen, W., and Hersam, M. “Bayesian Optimization of Environmentally Sustainable Graphene Inks Produced by Wet Jet Milling” , Small , Vol 20, 2024
Dolar, T., Lee, D., and Chen, W. “Data-Driven Global Sensitivity Analysis of Variable Groups for Understanding Complex Physical Interactions in Engineering Design” , Journal of Mechanical Design , 146(9), 2024
Chen, Y-P., Wang, L., Comlek, Y. and Chen, W. “A Latent Variable Approach for Non-Hierarchical Multi-Fidelity Adaptive Sampling” , CMAME , Vol 421, 2024
Ravi, S.K., Comlek Y., Chen, W., Pathak, A., Gupta, V., Umretiya, R., Hoffman, A., Pilania, G., Pandita, P., Ghosh, S., Mckeever, N, and Wang, L. “Interpretable Multi-Source Data Fusion Through Latent Variable Gaussian Process” , arXiv preprint , 2024
Da, D., and Chen W. “Two-Scale Data-Driven Design for Heat Manipulation” , International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , Vol 219, 2024
Karkaria, V., Chen, J., Siuta, C., Lim, D., Radulescu, R., and Chen, W. “A Machine Learning Based Life Prediction Framework for Increasing Life of Commercial Vehicle Tires” , Journal of Mechanical Design , Vol 146, 2024
Karkaria, V., Chen, J., Siuta, C., Lim, D., Radelescu, R. and Chen, W. “Tire Life Assessment for Increasing Re-Manufacturing of Commercial Vehicle Tires” , Technology Innovation for the Circular Economy , pp. 599-612, 2024
Lee, D., Chen, W.W., Wang, L., Chan, Y.C., Chen W. “Data-Driven Design for Metamaterials and Multiscale Systems: A Review” , Advanced Materials , 14(1) 2023
Wang, L., Chang, Y., Wu S., Zhao, R.R., Chen W. “Physics-aware differentiable design of magnetically actuated kirigami for shape morphing” , Nature Communications , 14(1) 2023
Wahl, C.B., Chen, J., Zhang, H., Liu, W., Zhang, S., Wu. J., Mirkin, C.A., Dravid, V.P., Apley, D.W., and Chen, W. “Automated Crystal System Identification from Four-dimensional Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Data Using Brain-inspired Artificial Intelligence” , Microscopy and Microanalysis , 2023
Chen, J., Zhang, H., Wahl, C.B., Liu, W., Mirkin, C.A., Dravid, V.P., Apley, D.W., Chen, W. “Automated crystal system identification from electron diffraction patterns using multiview opinion fusion machine learning” , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 120(46), 2023
Yerramilli, S., Iyer, A., Chen, W., Apley, D.W., “Fully Bayesian Inference for Latent Variable Gaussian Process Models” , SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 11,4, 2023
Comlek, Y., Pham, T.D., Wang, L., and Chen, W., “Mixed-Variable Global Sensitivity Analysis For Knowledge Discovery And Efficient Combinatorial Materials Design” , Journal of Mechanical Design 146(5), 2023
Karkaria, V., Chen, J., Siuta, C., Lim, D., Radelescu, R., & Chen, W., “A Machine Learning Based Tire Life Prediction Framework for Increasing Life of Commercial Vehicle Tires” , Journal of Mechanical Design 1-21, 2023
Comlek, Y., Pham, T.D., Snurr, R.Q., and Chen, W., “Rapid Design of Top-Performing Metal-Organic Frameworks with Qualitative Representations of Building Blocks” , npj computational materials 9, 170, 2023
Comlek, Y., Prabhune, P., Shandilya, A., Sundararaman, R., Schadler, L., Brinson, C., and Chen, W., “Design of polymer nanodielectrics for capacitive energy storage” , Nanomaterials , 13, 17, 2023
Pandey, A., Chen, W., and Keten, S., “B-factor prediction in proteins using a sequence-based deep learning model” , Patterns , 2023
Li, H., Knapik, S., Li, Y., Park, C., Guo, J., Mojumder, S., Lu, Y., Chen, W., Apley, D., and Liu, W-K., “Convolution Hierarchical Deep-Learning Neural Network Tensor Decomposition (C-HiDeNN-TD) for high-resolution topology optimization” , Computational Mechanics 2023
Sha, Z., Cui, Y., Xiao, Y., Stathopoulos, A., Contractor, N., Fu, Y., and Chen, W., “A Network-Based Discrete Choice Model for Decision-Based Design” , Design Science 2023
Ghumman, U, Chen, Q., D’Angelo, V., Clark, M., Chen, J., Shull, K., Chen, W., “Crack Surface Analysis of Elastomers Using Transfer Learning” , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 11, 14901-14913, 2023
Burkhart, C., Jiang, B., Papakonstantopoulos, G., Polinska, P., Xu, H., Sheridan, R.J., Brinson, L.C., Chen, W., “Data-Driven Multiscale Science for Tread Compounding” , Tire Science and Technology 2023
Tao, L., He, J., Munyaneza, N.E., Varshney, V., Chen, W., Liu, G., and Li, Y., “Discovery of Multi-Functional Polyimides through High-Throughput Screening using Explainable Machine Learning” , Advanced Science 179, 2023
Chen, W.W., Lee, D., Balogun, O., and Chen, W., “GAN-DUF: Hierarchical Deep Generative Models for Design under Free-From Geometric Uncertainty” , Journal of Mechanical Design 145(1), 2023
Ghumman, U.F., Fang, L., Wagner, G.J., and Chen, W., “Calibration of Cellular Automation Model for Microstructure Prediction and Additive Manufacturing using Dissimilarity Score” , Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 145(1), 145, 2023
van Beek, A., Karkaria, V.N, and Chen, W., “Digital Twins For the Designs of Systems: A Perspective.” , Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization , 66, 49, 2023
Zhang, H., Chen W.W, Rondinelli, J.M., and Chen, W., “ET-AL: Entropy-Targeted Active Learning for Bias Mitigation in Materials Data” , Applied Physics Reviews , 10 (2): 021403, 2023
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Tanriover, I., Lee, D., Chen, W., Aydin, K. “Deep Generative Modeling and Inverse Design of Manufacturable Free-Form Dielectric Metasurfaces” , ACS Photonics , 2022
Lee, D., Chan, Y.C, Chen, W.W., Wang, L., van Beek, A., Chen, W., “t-METASET: Task-Aware Acquisition of Metamaterial Datasets Through Diversity-Based Active Learning” , Journal of Mechanical Design 145(3), 031704, 2022
Chen, W.W., Lee, D., Balogun, O., Chen, W., “GAN-DUF: Hierarchical Deep Generative Models for Design Under Free-Form Geometric Uncertainty” , Journal of Mechanical Design 145(1), 011703, 2022
Cui, Y. Ahmed, F., Sha, Z., Wang, L., Fu, Y., Contractor, N., Chen, W., “A Weighted Statistical Network Modeling Approach to Product Competition Analysis” , Complexity vol. 2022, Article ID 9417869, 2022
Xiao, Y., Cui, Y., Raut, N., Januar, J., Koskinen, J., Contractor, N., Chen, W., Sha, Z., “Information Retrieval and Survey Design for Two-Stage Customer Preference Modeling” , Proceedings of the Design Society 2, 811-820, 2022
Wang, L., Da, D., Chan Y.C., Liu, Z., Zhu, P., and Chen, W., “Generalized De-homogenization via Sawtooth-function-based Mapping and its Demonstration on Data-driven Frequency Response Optimization” , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 2022
Ahmed, F., Cui, Y., Fu, Y., Chen, W., “Product Competition Prediction in Engineering Design using Graph Neural Networks” , ASME Open Journal of Engineering , accepted April 2022
Ghumman, U.F., van Beek, A., Munshi, J., Chien, T., Balasubramanian, G., and Chen, W., “Designing Active Layer of Organic Solar Cells Using Multi-Fidelity Molecular Simulations and Spectral Density Function” , Computational Materials Science , accepted May 2022.
Huang, T., Liu, Z., Wu, C-T., Chen, W., “Microstructure-guided Deep Material Network for Rapid Nonlinear Material Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification” , Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 398, Article 115197, 2022.
Tanriover, I., Lee, D., Chen, W., and Aydin, K., “Deep Generative Modeling and Inverse Design of Manufacturable Free-Form Dielectric Metasurfaces” , ACS Photonics , in press.
Da, D. and Chen, W., “Simple Strategy towards Tailoring Fracture Properties of Brittle Architectured Materials” , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , in press.
Iyer, A., Yerramilli, S., Rondinelli, J.M., Apley, D.W., and Chen, W, “Descriptor Aided Bayesian Optimization for Many-Level Qualitative Variables with Materials Design Applications” , Journal of Mechanical Design , special issue of IDETC 2022.
Lee, D., Chan, Y-C., Chen, W.W., Wang, L., and Chen, W, “t-METASET: Tailoring Property Bias of Large-Scale Metamaterial Datasets through Active Learning” , Journal of Mechanical Design , special issue of IDETC 2022.
Wang, L., Boddapati, J., Liu, K., Zhu, P., Daraio, C., and Chen, W., “Mechanical Cloak via Data-Driven Aperiodic Metamaterial Design” , Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 119(3) , 2022.
Chen, W., Iyer, A., and Bostanabad, R., “Data Centric Design: A New Approach to Design of Microstructural Material Systems” , Engineering , 2022.
Wei, T., van Beek, A., Hao, J., Zhang, H., and Chen, W., “Bayesian Calibration of Performance Degradation in A Gas Turbine-Driven Compressor Unit for Prognosis Health Management” , Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power , 2022.
Da, D., Chan Y.C., Wang, L, and Chen, W., “Data-driven and topological design of structural metamaterials for fracture resistance” , Extreme Mechanics Letters , 2022.
Ahmed, F., Cui, Y., Fu, Y., Chen, W. “A Graph Neural Network Approach for Product Relationship Prediction.” , Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 3A: 47th Design Automation Conference (DAC). Virtual, Online. V03AT03A036. ASME. August 17–19, 2021.
Zhang, K., Apley, D. W., and Chen, W. “Nonstationarity Analysis of Materials Microstructures via Fisher Score Vectors” , Acta Materalia , 211,116818,2021.
Lee, D., Jiang, S., Balogun, O., and Chen, W., “Dynamic Control of Plasmonic Localization by Inverse Optimization of Spatial Phase Modulation” , ACS Photonics , 2021.
Giuntoli, A., Hansoge, N.K., van Beek, A., Chen, W., and Keten, S., “Systematic coarse-graining of epoxy resins with machine learning-informed energy renormalization” , NPJ Computational Materials, 7(1), 1-12. , 2021.
Dulal, R., Scougale, W, Chen, W., Balasubramanian, G., and Chien, T., “Direct Observations of Uniform Bulk-heterojunctions and the Energy Level Alignments in Non-Fullerene Organic Photovoltaic Active Layers” , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 13(47), 56430-56437 , 2021.
Wang, L., van Beek, A., Da, D., Chan, Y-C., Zhu, P., and Chen, W., “Data-driven multiscale design of cellular composites with multiclass microstructures for natural frequency maximization” , Composite Structures , 2021.
Munshi, J., Chen, W., Chien T-Y., and Galasubramanian G., “Towards improving the efficiency of organic solar cells by coarse-grained atomistic modeling of processing dependent morphologies” , Computing in Science and Engineering , 23(3), 48-55, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/MCSE.2021.3072626.
Wang, L., Yerramilli, S., Iyer, A., Apley, D., Zhu, P., and Chen, W. “Scalable Gaussian Processes for Data-Driven Design Using Big Data With Categorical Factors” , Journal of Mechanical Design , 144(2), 021703, 2021.
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Munshi, J., Chen, W., Chien T-Y., and Galasubramanian G., “Transfer Learned Designer Polymers For Organic Solar Cells” , Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling , 61, 134-142, 2021.
Tao, S., van Beek, A., Apley, D. W., and Chen, W., “Multi-Model Bayesian Optimization for Simulation-Based Design” , Journal of Mechanical Design , 143(11), 2021.
Tao, S., Apley, D., Plumlee, M., and Chen, W., “Latent Variable Gaussian Process Models: A Rank-Based Analysis and an Alternative Approach“ , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , 2021, 122:4007–4026.
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Munshi, J., Chen, W., Chien T-Y., and Galasubramanian G., “Towards Improving the Efficiency of Organic Solar Cells by Coarse-Grained Atomistic Modeling of Processing Dependent Morphologies“ , Computing in Science and Engineering , 23(3), 48-55, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/MCSE.2021.3072626.
Wang, L., Tao, S., Zhu, P., and Chen, W., “Data-Driven Topology Optimization with Multiclass Microstructures using Latent Variable Gaussian Process ”, Journal of Mechanical Design , 143(3): 031708, DOI: 10.1115/1.4048628, Mar 2021.
Chan, Y-C, Ahmed, F., Wang, L., and Chen, W., “Metaset: Exploring Shape and Property Spaces for Data-Driven Metamaterials Design ”, Journal of Mechanical Design , 143(3): 031707, DOI: 10.1115/1.4048629, Mar 2021.
Van Beek, A., Ghumman, U.F., Munshi, J., Tao, S., Chien T-Y., Galasubramanian G., Plumlee, M., Apley, D., and Chen, W., “Scalable Adaptive Batch Sampling in Simulation-Based Design with Heteroscedastic Noise ”, Journal of Mechanical Design , 143(3): 031709, DOI: doi.org/10.1115/1.4049134, Mar 2021 .
Cui, Y., Ahmed, F., Sha, Z., Wang, L., Fu, Y., and Chen, W. “A Weighted Network Modeling Approach for Analyzing Product Competition” , Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 11A: 46th Design Automation Conference (DAC). Virtual, Online. V11AT11A036. ASME. August 17–19, 2020.
Huang, T., Gao, J., Liu, Sun, Q., Su, X., Zeng, D., Liu, W-K., and Chen, W., “Stochastic Nonlinear Analysis of Unidirectional Fiber Composites using Image-based Microstructural Uncertainty Quantification ”, Composite Structures , DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.113470, accepted Dec., 2020 .
Iyer, A., Zhang, Y., Prasad, A., Gupta, P., Tao, S., Wang, Y., Prabhune, P., Schadler, L., Brinson, L.C., Chen, W., “Data Centric Nanocomposite Design via Mixed-Variable Bayesian Optimization ”, Molecular Systems Design & Engineering , DOI: 10.1039/D0ME00079E , accepted August 2020.
Wang, Y., Iyer, A., Chen, W., and Rondinelli, J., “Featureless adaptive optimization accelerates functional electronic materials design “, Applied Physics Review , DOI: 10.1063/10.0002459, featured cover article, 2020.
Wang, Y., Zhang, M, Lin, A., Iyer, A., Prasad, A., Li, X., Zhang, Y., Schadler, L., Chen, W., and Brinson, L., “Mining structure-property relationships in polymer nanocomposites using data driven finite element analysis and multi-task convolutional neural network ”, Molecular Systems Design & Engineering , 5(5), 2020.
Wang, L., Chan, Y-C, Ahmed, F., Liu, Z, Zhu, P., and Chen, W., “Deep Generative Modeling for Mechanistic-based Learning and Design of Metamaterial Systems ”, Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, special issue on Artificial Intelligence , 372, 113377, 2020.
Brinson, L. C., Deagen, M., Chen, W., McCusker, J., McGuinness, D., Schadler, L., Palmeri, M., Ghumman, U., Lin, A., and Hu, B., “Polymer Nanocomposite Data: Curation, Frameworks, Access and Potential for Discovery and Design ”, ACS Macro Letters , 9, 1085-1094, DOI: 10.1021/acsmacrolett.0c00264, 2020 .
Munshi, J., Chien, T.-Y., Chen, W., and Balasubramanian, G., “Elasto-morphology of P3HT:PCBM Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cells ”, Soft Matters , DOI: 10.1039/D0SM00849D, outside back cover article, accepted June 2020 .
Wang, C., Yu, S., Guo, X., Kearney, T., Guo, P., Chang, R., and Chen, J., Chen, W., and Sun, Cheng, “Maximizing Solar Energy Utilization through Multi-criteria Pareto Optimization of Energy Harvesting and Regulating Smart Window ”, Cell Reports Physical Science , DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2020.100108, accepted June 2020 .
Lu, J., Tang, J., Apley, D.W., Zhan, Z., and Chen, W., “A Mode Tracking Method in Modal Metamodeling for Structures with Clustered Eigenvalues ”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering , 369, DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2020.113174, September 2020 .
Schadler, L.S., Chen, W., Brinson, L.C., Sundararaman, R., Gupta, P., Prabhune, Iyer, A., Wang, Y., Shandilya, A., “A Perspective on the Data-Driven Design of Polymer Nanodielectrics ”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics , 2020.
Wang, L., Chan, Y-C., Liu, Z., Zhu, P., and Chen, W., “Data-Driven Metamaterial Design with Laplace-Beltrami Spectrum as ‘Shape-DNA’ ”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 61, pp. 2613–2628, DOI: 10.1007/s00158-020-02523-5, February 2020 .
Chen, G., Shen, Z., Iyer, A., Ghumman, U.F., Tang, S., Bi, J., Chen, W., and Li, Y., “Machine-Learning-Assisted de novo Design of Organic Molecules and Polymers: Opportunities and Challenges ”, Polymers , 12 (1), 163, DOI: 10.3390/polym12010163, 2020.
Van Beek, A., Tao, S., Plumbee, M., Apley, D.W., and Chen, W., “Integration of Normative Decision-Making and Batch Sampling for Global Metamodeling ”, Journal of Mechanical Design , 142(3), 2020.
Zhang, M., Li, X., Wang, Y., Chen, W., and Brinson, L.C., “Impact of Interfacial Properties on the Viscoelastic Relaxation of Hard-Soft Block Copolymers using Finite Element Analysis ”, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics, DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2020.161, July 2020 .
Zhang, Y., Apley, D., and Chen, W., “Bayesian Optimization for Materials Design with Mixed Quantitative and Qualitative Variables ”, Scientific Report , 10, Article number: 4924, 2020.
Iyer, A., Zhang, Y., Dulal, R., Ghumman, U.F., Chien, T., Balasubramanian, G., and Chen, W., “Designing Anisotropic Microstructures with Spectral Density Function ”, Computational Materials Science , 179, 2020.
Li, X., Zhang, M., Wang, Y., Prasad, A., Chen, W., Schadler, L., and Brinson, L.C., “Rethinking Interphase Representations for Modeling Viscoelastic Properties for Polymer Nanocomposites ” Materialia 6, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.mtla.2019.100277.
Munshi, J., Dulal, R., Chien, T., Chen, W., and Balasubramanian, G., “Solution Processing Dependent Bulk Heterojunction Nanomorphology of P3HT/PCBM Thin Films”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 11 (18), 17056, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b02719 , 2019.
Bostanabad, R., Chan Y-C., Wang, L., Zhu, P., and Chen, W., “Globally Approximate Gaussian Processes for Big Data with an Application to Data-driven Metamaterials Design ”, Journal of Mechanical Design , 141(11), 2019.
Mozaffar, M., Bostanabad, R., Chen, W., Ehmann, K., Cao, J., and Bessa, M.A., “Foundations for Computational Plasticity with Deep Learning ”, PNAS , 2019.
Munshi, J., Ghumman, U.F., Iyer, A., Dulal, R., Chien, T., Chen, W., and Balasubramanian, G., “Effect of polydispersity on the bulk-heterojunction morphology of P3HT:PCBM solar cells”, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics , https://doi.org/10.1002/polb.24854 , 2019.
Dulal, R., Iyer, A., Ghumman, U., Munshi, J., Wang, A., Balasubramanian, G., Chen, W., Chien, T., “Elongated Nano Domains and Molecular Intermixing induced Doping in Organic Photovoltaic Active Layers with Electric Field Treatment ”, ACS Applied Polymer Materials , DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.9b00833, 2019.
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Chan, Y-C., Shintani, K., and Chen, W., “Robust Topology Optimization of Multi-Material Lattice Structures under Material and Load Uncertainties ” Special Issue on “Structural Topology Optimization”, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering , https://doi.org/10.1007/s11465-019-0531-4 , 2019.
Zhang, W., Bostanabad, R., Liang, B., Su, X., Zeng, D., Bessa, M., Wang, Y., Chen, W., and Cao, J., “ A Numerical Bayesian-Calibrated Characterization Method for Multiscale Prepreg Preforming Simulations with Tension-Shear Coupling ”, Composite Science and Technology , 170, 15-24, 2019.
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Jiang, Z., German, B., and Chen, W., “Multidisciplinary Statistical Sensitivity Analysis Considering both Aleatory and Epistemic Uncertainties “, 54 (4), 1326-1338, 2016.
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Hoyle, C., Chen, W., Wang, N., and Koppelman, F., “Integrated Bayesian Hierarchical Choice Modeling to Capture Heterogeneous Preferences in Engineering System Design ”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 132(12), 121010 (11 pages), DOI: 10.1115/1.4002972, 2010.
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Liu, Y., Yin, X., Arendt, P., Chen, W., Huang, H-Z., “A Hierarchical Statistical Sensitivity Analysis Method for Multilevel Systems with Shared Variables” , ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 132(3), 031006, 2010.
Xiong, F., Yin, X., Chen, W., Yang, S., “Enhanced Probabilistic Analytical Target Cascading with Application to Multiscale Design ”, Engineering Optimization, 42(6), 581-592, 2010.
Hoyle, C., Chen, W., Ankenman, B., Wang, N., “Optimal Experimental Design of Human Appraisals for Modeling Consumer Preferences in Engineering Design ”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 131(7), 071008 (9 pages), August 2009.
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Liu, W. K., Larbi, S., Tian, R., Lee, S. H., Lee, D., Yin, X., Chen, W ., Chan, S., Olson, G. B., and Lindgeen, L.-E., “Complexity Science of Multiscale Materials via Stochastic Computations ,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering , Published online, March 2009.
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Yin, X., Lee, S., Chen, W. , Liu, W. K., Horstemeyer, M.F., “Efficient Random Field Uncertainty Propagation in Design using Multiscale Analysis” , ASME Journal of Mechanical Design , 131(2), 021006 (10 pages), 2009
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Kumar, D, Chen, W ., and Simpson, T., “A Market-Driven Approach to the Design of Platform-based Product Families”, International Journal of Production Research , 47(1), 71-104 , 2009.
Xiong, Y., Chen, W , and Tsui, K., “A New Variable Fidelity Optimization Framework Based on Model Fusion and Objective-Oriented Sequential Sampling ”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design , 130(11), 111401 (9 pages), 2008.
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Liu, H., Chen, W., Kokkolaras, M., Papalambros, P., Kim, H., “Probabilistic Analytical Target Cascading -A Moment Matching Formulation for Multilevel Optimization under Uncertainty , ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 128 (4), 991-1000, 2006.
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Buranathiti, T., Cao, J., Chen, W., and Xia, C., “A Weighted Three-Point-Based Methodology for Variance Estimation”, Engineering Optimization, 38(5), pp.557-576, 2006.
Kim, H., Chen, W., and Papalambros, P., Target Exploration in Enterprise-Driven Hierarchical Multidisciplinary Design , AIAA Journal. 44(1), 67-77, 2006.
Sudjianto, A., Du, X., and Chen, W., Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis in Engineering Design using Uniform Sampling and Saddlepoint Approximation , SAE Transactions Journal of Materials & Manufacturing; paper 2005-01-0344, 2005.
Liu, H., Chen, W., and Sudjianto, A., Relative Entropy Based Method for Global and Regional Sensitivity Analysis in Probabilistic Design , ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 128(2), 1?1, 2006.
Chen, W ., Jin, R., and Sudjianto, A., “Analytical Global Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Propagation for Robust Design”, Journal of Quality Technology, 38(4), 333-348, Oct 2006.
Chen, W., Jin, R., and Sudjianto, A., Analytical Variance-Based Global Sensitivity Analysis in Simulation-Based Design under Uncertainty , ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 127(5), 875-886, 2005.
Wassenaar, HJ, Chen, W., Cheng, J., and Sudjianto, A., Enhancing Discrete Choice Demand Modeling for Decision-Based Design , ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 127(4), pp.514-523, 2005.
Jin, R., Chen, W., and Sudjianto, A., An Efficient Algorithm for Constructing Optimal Design of Computer Experiments , Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol, 134 (1), pp. 268-287, 2005.
Du, X. and Chen, W., , Collaborative Reliability Analysis under the Framework of Multidisciplinary Systems Design , Journal of Optimization & Engineering, 6(1), 63-84, 2005.
Buranathiti, T., Cao, J., Chen, W., Baghdasaryan, L., and Xia, Z.C., “Approaches for Model Validation: Methodology and Illustration on a Sheet Metal Flanging Process”, SME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 126, November 2004.
Jin, R., Chen, W., and Sudjianto, A., Analytical Metamodel-Based Global Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Propagation for Robust Design , SAE Transactions, paper 2004-01-0429, SAE Congress, March 8-11, Detroit, MI., 2004.
Wassenaar, HJ, Chen, W., Cheng, J., and Sudjianto, A., Demand Modeling for Decision-Based Design of Vehicle Engine , SAE Transactions; paper 2004-01-1535, SAE Congress, March 8-11, Detroit, MI., 2004.
Chen, W., Baghdasaryan, L., Buranathiti, T., and Cao, J., Model Validation via Uncertainty Propagation and Data Transformations , AIAA Journal, 42(7), 1406-1415, 2004..
Du. X, Sudjianto, A., and Chen, W., An Integrated Framework for Optimization using Inverse Reliability Strategy , Journal of ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(4), 562-570, July 2004.
Du, X, and Chen, W., Sequential Optimization and Reliability Assessment Method for Efficient Probabilistic Design , Journal of ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 126(2), pp. 225-233, March 2004.
Wassenaar, H. J. and Chen, W., An Approach to Decision Based Design with Discrete Choice Analysis for Demand Modeling , Journal of ASME Journal of Mechanical Design. 125 (3), 490-497, September 2003.
Jin, R., Du, X, and Chen, W., The Use of Metamodeling Techniques for Optimization under Uncertainty , Journal of Journal of Structural & Multidisciplinary Optimization, 25(2), 99-116, 2003.
Du, X. and Chen, W., Efficient Uncertainty Analysis Methods for Multidisciplinary Robust Design , Journal of AIAA Journal, 40(3), 545-552, 2002.
Simpson, T., Dennis, L., and Chen, W., Sampling Strategies for Computer Experiments: Design and Analysis , Journal of International Journal of Reliability and Application, 2(3), 209-240, 2002.
Nayak, R., Chen, W., and Simpson, T., Variation-Based Methodology for Product Family Design , Journal of Engineering Optimization, 34(1), 65-81,2002.
Jin, R, Chen, W., and Simpson T., Comparative Studies of Metamodeling Techniques under Multiple Modeling Criteria , Journal of Structural Optimization, 23(1), 1-13, 2001..
Wiecek, M., Chen, W., and Zhang, J., Piecewise Quadratic Approximation of the Nondominated Set for Bi-Criteria Programs , Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis , 10, 35-47, 2001.
Du, X. and Chen, W., A Most Probable Point Based Approach for Efficient Uncertainty Analysiss?/A>, < Automation, Manufacturing and Design of>4(1), 44-66, 2001.
Chen, W., Garimella, R., and Michelena, N., Robust Design for Improved Vehicle Handling Under a Range of Maneuver Conditions , Engineering Optimization, 33(3), 303-326, 2001.
Du, X. and Chen, W., Towards a Better Understanding of Modeling Feasibility Robustness in Engineering Design , ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 122(4), 385-394, 2000.
Chen W., Fu, W., Biggers, S., and Latour, R., An Affordable Approach for Robust Design of Thick Laminated Composite Structure?/A>, Optimization and Engineering, 1(3), 305-322, 2000.
Chen W., Sahai, A, Messac, A., and Sundararaj, G.J., Exploration of the Effectiveness of Physical Programming for Robust Design?/A>, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 22(2), 155-163, 2000.
Zhang, J., Wiecek, M., and Chen. W., Local Approximation of the Efficient Frontier in Robust Design?/A>, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 22(2), 232-236, 2000.
Du, X. and Chen, W., A Methodology for Uncertainty Propagation and Management in Simulation-Based Systems Design, AIAA Journal, 38(8), 1471-1478, 2000.
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