From August 17 through 19, IDEAL attended the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) 2020, which was held virtually. Two of our papers (led by Liwei Wang and Yu-Chin Chan) received the Papers of Distinction Award in the Design Automation Conference section (DAC)! In total, our group was represented by 5 papers out of the 118 accepted into DAC this year (see below).
Also, our former postdocs, Zhenghui Sha (currently Assistant Professor at University of Arkansas) and Faez Ahmed (currently Assistant Professor at MIT), co-organized the 2020 ASME-CIE Hackathon: Identifying, Extracting, Analyzing Value from Large Unstructured Data Sets in Mechanical Engineering. Some of our group members competed in teams and won prizes – congratulations to Yaxin Cui and Umar Farooq Ghumman!
IDETC Papers
- Liwei Wang, Siyu Tao, Ping Zhu, Wei Chen. “Data-Driven Multiscale Topology Optimization Using Multi-Response Latent Variable Gaussian Process“ (DETC2020-22595). Session: DAC 10-2: Design of Engineering Materials and Structures.
- Yu-Chin Chan, Faez Ahmed, Liwei Wang, Wei Chen. “METASET: An Automated Data Selection Method for Scalable Data-Driven Design of Metamaterials“ (DETC2020-22681). Session: DAC 3-1: Data-Driven Design.
- Siyu Tao, Anton van Beek, Daniel W. Apley, Wei Chen. “Bayesian Optimization for Simulation-Based Design of Multi-Model Systems” (DETC2020-22651). Session: DAC 14-1: Metamodel-Based Design Optimization.
- Anton van Beek, Umar Farooq Ghumman, Joydeep Munshi, Siyu Tao, TeYu Chien, Ganesh Balasubramanian, Matthew Plumlee, Daniel Apley, Wei Chen. “Scalable Objective-Driven Batch Sampling in Simulation-Based Design for Models With Heteroscedastic Noise” (DETC2020-22629). Session: DAC 18-2: Simulation-Based Design Under Uncertainty.
- Yaxin Cui, Faez Ahmed, Zhenghui Sha, Lijun Wang, Yan Fu, Wei Chen. “A Weighted Network Modeling Approach for Analyzing Product Competition” (DETC2020-22591). Session: DAC 7-1: Design for Market Systems.
Hackathon Awards
- 3rd place for Problem 1: Umar Farooq Ghumman along with students from MIT and Stevens Institute of Technology. “Generating a Data-Driven Surrogate Model for Machine Damage Accumulation“.
- 2nd place for Problem 2: Yaxin Cui along with students from UT Austin. “Melt Pool Prediction in Addictive Manufacturing: A Hybrid Approach Based on the Process Parameter“.